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Alert: Lifeguarding in Action - English

Alert:  Lifeguarding in Action - English

Alert: lifeguarding in action (December 2016 Printing) :
  • The required textbook for candidates in the National Lifeguard training course. Available in English or French.
  • Emphasizes accident prevention and expands upon information contained in the Canadian Lifesaving Manual.
  • Chapters include: 1. Lifeguarding in action. 2. Accident prevention: facility analysis and supervision. 3. Aquatic emergencies: recognition and intervention. 4. Lifeguarding skills and procedures. 5. Waterfront and surf rescue. 6. Aquatic emergency care. 7. Public relations and public education. 8. The lifeguard and the law. 9. Administration and management. 10. Pre-season and inservice lifeguard training. 11. Swimming pool operation and safety. 12. Surf and waterfront operation and safety. 13. Waterpark operation and safety.
  • ISBN 0-920326-33-6, 190 pages, perfect bound.
  • Index. Available in English or French.

Alert: Lifeguarding in Action - French
Price:CAD $50.00 /each Retail price:CAD $50.00
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Product code: 21.1200.10
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