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Rescue Tube -Red (40 in)

Rescue Tube -Red (40 in)
  • This rescue tube offers increased durability with strapping that runs the full length of the tube!
  • Made of vinyl dipped Ensolite gives a softer feel.
  • Combined with new quick release Delrin buckles, the tube reduces the chance of swimmer injury on contact.
  • We have also added a 12" strap extension to accommodate swimmers of larger girth.
  • The multi-purpose device may be used for throwing or for towing a swimmer.
  • 6' heavy-duty polypropylene towline features an extra wide strap to reduce pull on the shoulder area.
Qty Price
1 x CAD $137.06  /each
12 x CAD $123.35  /each
Retail price : CAD $137.06
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Product code: 41.8105.60
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